2.11 Republic Cruiser ( Consular-class cruiser).2.10 Republic Attack Cruiser ( Venator-class Star Destroyer).2.9 Republic Assault Ship ( Acclamator-class assault ship).2.8 Neimoidian Shuttle ( Sheathipede-class transport shuttle).2.4 Invisible Hand ( Providence-class carrier/destroyer).2.2 Commerce Guild Support Destroyer ( Recusant-class Light Destroyer).2.1 Banking Clan Frigate ( Munificent-class Star Frigate).2 Spacecraft appearing in the prequel trilogy.1.11 Tantive IV (Rebel Blockade Runner).1.9 Rebel Transport (GR-75 medium transport).1.8 Rebel Medical Frigate (Nebulon-B frigate).1.7 Millennium Falcon (YT-1300 light freighter).1.5 Imperial shuttle ( Lambda-class shuttle).1.4 Imperial landing craft ( Sentinel-class landing craft).1 Spacecraft appearing in the original trilogy.After the rise of the Galactic Empire, the emerging rebel cells utilized Pelta-class frigates being retrofitted with turbolasers and point-defense laser cannons as seen in the animated TV-show Star Wars: Rebels. The vessels made their first appearance in the thearical film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and later appeared in several episodes of the animated TV-show.

They saw use as Blockade runners, supply ships, and medcenters. The Pelta-class frigates were vital to Republic operations during the Clone Wars. The Transport Frigate bears a slot for Defensive Retrofit upgrade cards instead of Ordnance, compared to the Assault Ship. They have both no slots Fleet Support but Fleet Command upgrade cards.

It features the Medical trait instead of Transport.Ĭompared to the Modified Pelta-class variants for the Rebel faction, the Republic ships lack 1 blue or black die in the front batteries. The Medical Frigate comes with 1 slot for Offensive Retrofit cards instead of Defensive Retrofit cards. It is armed with 2 red and 1 blue die instead of 2 red and 1 black at the front, 1 red and 1 blue instead of 1 red and 1 black at the sides. the Medical Frigate has a squadron value of 2 instead of 1. Title Upgrade Cards for Pelta-class FrigatesĬompared to the Pelta-class Transport Frigate for 45 pts.